A survey was undertaken to gather data for
testing the research hypotheses. The surveys
include multiple scale items for each of the
factors. The respondents responded from a
variety of firms in the Electrical and Electronics
Industry that are listed by Electrical and
Electronics Institution. From the 1100 surveys
in the target samples, 336 responses were
received. Thirty two surveys were excluded
from the analysis because of incomplete
information. Thus, the response rate was
about 30.54%. The questionnaire’s questions
were pre-tested by a few respondents from an
Electronic Manufacturing firm, Delta Electronics
(Thailand) Plc. This is to ensure readability,
eliminate ambiguity and make sure that closeended
questions have a complete array of
possible responses and so on. The response
samples were comprised of high ranking plant
or production managers as well as logistic
managers. The responses were recorded using
a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = strongly
disagree to 5 = strongly agree) for each group
of factors.