All luminaire manufactured by a reputable lighting manufacturer.
All luminaire as indicated on the luminaire schedule.
Luminaires by alternative manufactures may be considered provided that
the performance and quality are the same as the specified ones.
All luminaire subject to acceptance by the Owner's Representative.
Luminaires well constructed, shall comply with the requirement of
IEC598 and be chosen to suit the conditions which they are to operate.
All fluorescent luminaires installed complete with lamp, control gear,
lamp holders and accessories suitable for operation on a 220 volts,
single phase, 50 Hz suppy. The housing shall be manufactured from best
quality mild sheet steel. All control gear, wiring and accessories
housed completely inside the metal housing. The entire housing
specially treated to prevent rust and corrosion.
All ballasts naturally cooled polyester-filled type, low loss and
quiet operatiion with Class A insulation complying with IEC82 unless
otherwire specified.
All starters comply fully with IEC155. The cannister made
of eletrically safe and non-corrosive material capable of withstanding
high temperatures. A ceramic disc type radio interference suppression
capacitor fitted internally to each canister. Waxed paper and foil
type capacitors will not be accepted. The starter quick-starting type.
Lamp-holders of non-flammable moulded, spring load type and
have silver plated or copper contracts.