1. Grocery store tactics
You’ve probably heard the advice that you should never go grocery shopping hungry, and there’s good reason for that advice. It’s natural that we would purchase more impulse buys, and less healthier food, when hungry. Grocery stores also bombard our senses in various ways, including the various smells that we face in the store, the sounds (music), and even the lighting. Although it’s nice to get free food, even the samples are a way to get us to buy more, because usually they tempt us to buy something we hadn’t wanted previously.
Also, the most expensive products are often right at eye level. Sometimes companies even pay a fee to have their products placed in a profitable location in the store. Even a simple sale can be a trick, because sales often encourage you to purchase items you don’t need, or purchase multiples of items in order to receive a discount.
Read more: http://www.cheatsheet.com/personal-finance/5-common-sales-tactics-that-trick-you-into-spending-more-money.html/?a=viewall#ixzz3aJZIN1J8