The leaf area measuring method is determined as to send
a light beam onto the solar module where the leaf is placed
on it, and thereby the solar module is shadowed and the
produced current due to this shadowing amount is measured.
As the amount of radiation changes effects solar module’s
short circuit current foremost, the amount of the incident
light on the solar module was reduced by opaque and
semitransparent samples of various shapes with known areas
and accordingly, current and voltage values were measured
and recorded. It is then examined whether the solar module
is an appropriate device for leaf area measurement.
For the purpose of leaf area measurement, opaque and
semitransparent samples with different geometric shapes
were prepared regarding various leaf species of different
figures and transparency. ITT Metrics 4.5 digit multimeter
with a current resolution of 0.01 mA was connected to the
series-connected solar module for measuring current and
voltage values affected by the shadowing of the module by the
samples.The short circuit current and the open circuit voltage
variations due to the shadowing area of the solar module were
measured in order to determine the area of the sample areas.