Derelict fishing gear remains in the marine environment for years, entangling, and killing marine organisms
worldwide. Since 2002, hundreds of derelict nets containing over 32,000 marine animals have been
recovered from Washington’s inland waters. Analysis of 870 gillnets found many were derelict for years;
most were recovered from northern Puget Sound and high-relief rocky habitats and were relatively small,
of recent construction , in good condition, stretched open, and in relatively shallow water. Marine organisms
documented in recovered gillnets included 31,278 invertebrates (76 species), 1036 fishes (22 species),
514 birds (16 species), and 23 mammals (4 species); 56% of invertebrates, 93% of fish, and 100%
of birds and mammals were dead when recovered. For all taxa, mortality was generally associated with
gillnet effectiveness (total area, age and condition, and suspension in the water). Mortality from derelict
fishing gear is underestimated at recovery and may be important for species of economic and conservation