2.2.2 Focus group discussions
The focus group discussions were used to develop the questionnaire so that the items in
the questionnaire were practical and easy to understand. The research team requested
cooperation from eight districts to arrange eight focus groups, which included two groups
for each category: residential (far away from canal/the Chao Phraya River), residential and
commercial (far away from canal/the Chao Phraya River), canal houses, and informal
settlements. Ten participants were selected from each community from the eight districts.
The director of the district offices helped the research team in selecting the heads of the
community in each subdistrict. Then a list of participants with a brief personal history were
sent to the research team in advance so that the research team would know their
background and be able to select participants to the focus group discussions.
These steps were followed in conducting the focus group discussions:
The most convenient meeting place was arranged for the participants to
meet for three-hour sessions.
The project leader clearly explained the objectives and procedures to the
participants. Each member was allowed to freely express his/her opinions
regarding the discussion topic without any interference from other members.
This approach was adopted to provide everyone with an opportunity to
freely express their opinions.
The project staff and participants determined the main discussion items for
the meeting, consistent and arranged according to priority.
The project leader conducted the discussions in an orderly fashion and
created a relaxing atmosphere so that the participants did not feel
uncomfortable and could be themselves.
The research assistant recorded information and discussion results,
operated the sound recording system during the meeting, and reminded the
project leader of the topics that needed to be discussed.