Jaguar Genetics
Scientists once thought that the jaguar species-like all other big cat species-was divided into smaller groups called subspecies. These form when groups of one type of animal become isolated from each other. The members within each group breed with one another. Over time. the groups develop slightly different genetics (codes passed from parents to offspring that determine traits). In 2001 experts examined the DNA (or sets of genetics) in the fur and droppings of jaguars from Mexico to Argentina. Results revealed that no subspecies exist-all 'aguars belong to one genetic group. ‘Every other big cat has subspecies," says wildlife ecologist Alan Rabinowitz.“This really makes the jaguar unique.”
Scientists believe that jaguars move around so much that they don’t have a chance to form isolated groups that can turn into subspecies. “That’s good,” Rabinowitz says. “Isolated animai groups are more vulnerable to extinction.” Meaning that a Jaguarstravel habits might actually take the species far in life.