ฉันรัก: Hey, I know you. You're James, right? James Roberts.
: Amanda Brown. Wow! It's been a long time.
: Yeah. Oh, are you going to the class reunion in two weeks?
: Uh, I heard about it, but I'm not sure. Where is it?
: The reunion is going to be held at the Mountain Country Club across from City Park.
: And what time does it start?
: I think it starts at 6:00.
: And how much does it cost?
: It's twenty dollars a ticket, and that includes dinner and entertainment.
: What kind of entertainment are they going to have?
: They're going to have a live jazz band and dancing.
: And who is organizing the event?
: Do you remember Chad Phillips?
: Uh, wasn't he the quarterback on the football team?
: Right. Well, he married Sarah Rogers, and they are in charge of the event. So, what do you think? Are you going?
: I don't know. I never really fit in in high school. I was kind of a loner. I also remember asking Sarah out on a date, and she turned me down. She said she was sick, and it turned out she went out with someone that same night. It could be a little awkward.
: Hey, why don't we go together?
: Are you sure?
: Yeah.
: Well, sure. Why not. To be honest, I always thought you were very nice. I just never had the guts to ask you out.
: Well, here's your chance.
: Sounds great. So, what's your number so I can call you?
: It's 435-923-6017.
: 6017, Okay. Where do you live?
: I only live two blocks south of the old high school.
: Okay. I remember where you live. Let me call you a few days before toconfirm things.
: Sounds good. It should be fun.
Class Reunion