To test the application and adaptation potential of TVDIs with
the aid of a suite of remote sensing technologies, this study develops
a synergistic approach with respect to three TVDIs that were
designed to combine temperature with four different vegetation
indices (VIs) group wise. Yet it is believed that the soil-adjusted
vegetation indices may be better coupled with TVDIs for meeting
the study goal (Makkeasorn and Chang, 2009). To prove the
concept, four vegetation indices were therefore included for comparisons
based on the temperature trapezoid eigenspace (VITT)
(Sandholt et al., 2002). In addition, the regional water stress index
(RWSI) designed based on the CWSI mechanism and SEBAL model
was prepared as a reference basis for the refinements of TVDIs
when monitoring the regional drought events (Bastiaanssen et al.,
1998a,b). It is anticipated that the science question as to “how
changes in these relevant factors may influence the impacts of
drought episodes in vulnerability assessment?” can be examined
and answered with this synergistic approach in a fast developing
coastal region, Northern China.
To test the application and adaptation potential of TVDIs withthe aid of a suite of remote sensing technologies, this study developsa synergistic approach with respect to three TVDIs that weredesigned to combine temperature with four different vegetationindices (VIs) group wise. Yet it is believed that the soil-adjustedvegetation indices may be better coupled with TVDIs for meetingthe study goal (Makkeasorn and Chang, 2009). To prove theconcept, four vegetation indices were therefore included for comparisonsbased on the temperature trapezoid eigenspace (VITT)(Sandholt et al., 2002). In addition, the regional water stress index(RWSI) designed based on the CWSI mechanism and SEBAL modelwas prepared as a reference basis for the refinements of TVDIswhen monitoring the regional drought events (Bastiaanssen et al.,1998a,b). It is anticipated that the science question as to “howchanges in these relevant factors may influence the impacts ofdrought episodes in vulnerability assessment?” can be examinedand answered with this synergistic approach in a fast developingcoastal region, Northern China.
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