Presented an overview of the comparison of various protocols in different mobility model. From the study, a comparison table is provided which clears the fact that protocol AODV performs well in Random Way Mobility Model but with more delay. For Manhattan Grid Model & Gauss Markov Model protocol DSR works extremely well & best suitable for the Models, but as network increases the performance of throughput parameter become inconsistent. So for small network DSR works extremely well for model Manhattan Grid & Gauss Markov. DSR protocol is also having least delay for all the three models. Protocol DSDV does not work well for the entire three model. But protocol DSDV has larger throughput for Gauss Markov Model .Hence with some limitations we can say that DSR is best suitable protocol for the entire three model. DSR works extremely well but for small under various limitations. None of the protocol is able to accomplish all the parameters.