Hanging puts a lot of stress of your body even though it is just so simple. Your entire body gets stretched when you hang. While hanging, your feet are above the ground and not touching it. Gravity acts on your body and pulls you down. The lower part of your body gets stretched, and spine gets elongated. A simple way o understand this is to measure. First, take your height when you are standing normally. After that, hang on to a bar and ask someone to check your height. The difference between the two will show you the effects of hanging.
Things to remember for hanging exercise:
Find a set of good horizontal bars. Look out in gymnasiums or parks to get one.
The horizontal bars should be located high enough so that they can support your entire length.
Your feet should be kept at least 1 foot away from the floor while hanging.
Bend your knees a bit if your body is not able to extend completely.
Makes sure your body is able to hang freely.
Your palms should face the direction opposite you when hanging.
Try to stay in the same posture as when you are doing your push-ups, your palms facing away from you.
Hold the v-bars properly and tightly.
Relax and make your body free and loose.
Gravity starts acting on your body to pull it and hence, stretches it.
This makes your body grow a bit.
Ideal Exercise Time: