The present study investigates attitudes towards aspects of
health promotion in mental health services, as rated by
patients and staff. The aim of the study was to investigate
similarities and differences in attitudes towards health promotion
interventions among patients and staff in mental
health services, using a newly developed questionnaire,
the Health Promotion Intervention Questionnaire
(HPIQ). The study has a cross-sectional design and a
sample of 141 patients and 140 staff were recruited to the
study. The response rate was 59% for the patients and
50% for the staff. The participants were asked to rate the
attitudes of the 19 items included in the HPIQ. The result
showed that patients and staff in some cases share similar
attitudes regarding aspects of health promotion intervention.
According to both groups, empowerment is the most
important intervention in health promotion. Significant
differences between the ratings of patients and staff
appeared regarding all subscales of HPIQ. Patients rated
alliance and educational support significantly higher than
staff and staff-rated empowerment and practical support
significantly higher than patients. Based on these findings,
it is of importance to meet patients’ desire for information
and knowledge in an interactive manner with an empowerment
approach to promote health in mental health