3.3.3. Ranking test
The juice was ranked keeping the overall acceptability in mind. Sensory evaluation results of texture, flavor, and overall acceptability showed highest rank for control orange juice, followed by ultrasound and ultrasound + UV processed juice and finally for the thermally processed juice (p < 0.05). The results confirmed that use of irradiation preserved the valuable attributes of the juice better as compared to thermal pasteurization. The quality attributes of
the thermally pasteurized juice were adversely affected, although the application of heat can give the juice a longer shelf life. The general opinion expressed by the panelist was in favor of the sonicated juice. Ultrasound treated juice stood slightly ahead of the juice that
was treated using a combined approach of Ultrasound + UV. On an average both had comparable ranking, and the thermally treated juice was ranked last. UV assisted ultrasound treatment gained consumer acceptance to a slightly lesser extent, however this combined treatment can be useful for significant degree of microbial inactivation. Though the storage analysis was not performed in the present work, the reported results of Char et al. [20] have confirmed that the combined treatment was more effective against the Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and a yeast cocktail in orange (pH 3.5; 9 Brix) and/or apple (pH 3.1; 12 Brix) juices. In
general it can be said that ultrasound based treatment was best though more studies need to be carried out to identify the best conditions for the ultrasound and UV treatment to maximize product safety and minimize overall quality loss.
4. Conclusions
3.3.3. Ranking testThe juice was ranked keeping the overall acceptability in mind. Sensory evaluation results of texture, flavor, and overall acceptability showed highest rank for control orange juice, followed by ultrasound and ultrasound + UV processed juice and finally for the thermally processed juice (p < 0.05). The results confirmed that use of irradiation preserved the valuable attributes of the juice better as compared to thermal pasteurization. The quality attributes ofthe thermally pasteurized juice were adversely affected, although the application of heat can give the juice a longer shelf life. The general opinion expressed by the panelist was in favor of the sonicated juice. Ultrasound treated juice stood slightly ahead of the juice thatwas treated using a combined approach of Ultrasound + UV. On an average both had comparable ranking, and the thermally treated juice was ranked last. UV assisted ultrasound treatment gained consumer acceptance to a slightly lesser extent, however this combined treatment can be useful for significant degree of microbial inactivation. Though the storage analysis was not performed in the present work, the reported results of Char et al. [20] have confirmed that the combined treatment was more effective against the Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and a yeast cocktail in orange (pH 3.5; 9 Brix) and/or apple (pH 3.1; 12 Brix) juices. Ingeneral it can be said that ultrasound based treatment was best though more studies need to be carried out to identify the best conditions for the ultrasound and UV treatment to maximize product safety and minimize overall quality loss.4. Conclusions
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