The literature review has been divided into four
sections: previous reviews, optimization models, additional
issues for modeling, and case studies and
applications. This literature review is not intended to
be exhaustive, but rather it is directed toward identifying
the key aspects to consider when formulating a
supply chain model. Special emphasis is placed on
global supply chains.
The most important part of this review is the
identification of the main characteristics of the MIP
models, including the terms considered in the objective
function, the constraints, and the specific characteristics
of the methods of solution and computational
experiences. Models different from MIP models,
such as the formulations presented by Bums et
al. (1985) and Cohen and Lee (!988), are compared
to the MIP models with respect to their assumptions,
computational experience, and applicability in international
supply chain systems,
The literature review has been divided into foursections: previous reviews, optimization models, additionalissues for modeling, and case studies andapplications. This literature review is not intended tobe exhaustive, but rather it is directed toward identifyingthe key aspects to consider when formulating asupply chain model. Special emphasis is placed onglobal supply chains.The most important part of this review is theidentification of the main characteristics of the MIPmodels, including the terms considered in the objectivefunction, the constraints, and the specific characteristicsof the methods of solution and computationalexperiences. Models different from MIP models,such as the formulations presented by Bums etal. (1985) and Cohen and Lee (!988), are comparedto the MIP models with respect to their assumptions,computational experience, and applicability in internationalsupply chain systems,
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