The risks for this are frequent uterine pain, excessive uterine bleeding, pelvic infection, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, incomplete abortion, vomiting, diarrhea, and in extreme cases death. The risks for surgical versus medical procedures are difficult to weigh because the articles available state that the risks are about equal.
There are other methods of abortion, especially for pregnancies that are in the second and third term, it is always recommended that abortions be done earlier in the pregnancy, because the later the abortion is done the more risks and dangers involved. It is unnecessary to go into detail risks. The purpose of this paper is not to be frightening in detail, but rather point out that an abortion is a high-risk procedure.
Women’s Health, a pro-choice website, stated that the short-term severe complications occur in less than 1% of women who have abortions (4). The site does not talk about the long-term effects of abortion beyond 2 to 3 weeks (3). Suppose they are right that less than 1% of women suffer physical complications from an abortion. This is still thousands of women per year who have had their lives ruined.