CVGHM reported that on 29 December 2011, both earthquakes and tremor increased, and dense white-and-gray plumes rose as high as 600 m above the active crater. During January 2012, crater incandescence was observed, and avalanches carried incandescent material 200-400 m away from the crater. According to a 4 January 2012 article in the Jakara Globe, a government official indicated that authorities had closed the trail to the peak of Semeru because of heavy rain and an increased danger of landslides.
On 2 February 2012 a large explosion was reported and incandescent material fell up to 2.5 km from the crater. Tables 20 and 21 indicate the types and numbers of earthquakes and other seismic events reported by CVGHM for February to April 2012. Based on the increased seismic activity and visual observations, CVGHM raised the Alert Level from 2 to 3 on 2 February 2012.
Table 20. Types and numbers of earthquakes and plumes observed at Semeru during February-April 2012. Key to seismic signals variously classified as follows: LD, long-distance volcanic earthquake; Erup, eruptive; Expl, explosive; HTr, harmonic tremor; and PF, pyroclastic flow; “-”, either none detected or data not provided. Courtesy of CVGHM.