แ Critical thinking skills minght be taught directly during a social
studies unit on the election process. Steps in the problemsolving process might be taught directly during math and sci thinking minght be taught directly during creative writng.
Nothing yet has been taught about the application ofthese thing skill beyond the context in which they were learned in
various thinking
taskssuch as information prodtion, de cision making, and problemsolving. Such thinking tasks are also found in state standards. Another example from Virinia’s Standards of Learnig (1995) illustrates the focus on thinking tasks that the appliction of specific thinking operations and skills:
Grade 5 Computation and Estimation: “The studentwill create and solve problems involving addition, mental computation, multiplication, and division of whole numbersusing paper and pencil, estimation, mental computation, and calculators” (p. 33):
Students will be able to drvelop scientific dispositions
and categorization, the qusestion still remains whether students have any inclination to use these skills in real life situation.