different rice eultivars, reddish brown lesions,
comparable to those seen on infected rice, were
produced by all of the ophiobolins (at 10-4 M)
except ophiobolin J on IR~. The most
biologically active ophiobolin in the assay was
6-epiophiobolin A (Table V) which is the same
ophiobolin showing selectivity for corn bearing
Tms cytoplasm [12]. The least toxic compounds
were ophiobolins I and J. None of the
ophiobolins showed activity at 10 "s M; however,
25 hydroxy I, ophiobolin B and ophiobolin J
showed some host selectivity at 10 -6 and 10-' M,
respectively (Table V). Perhaps this relates to
the observations of Vidhyasekaran et al. [6] who
suggested that D. oryzae produces compounds
possessing host selectivity, however, it is
difficult to compare our results with theirs
since no definitive chemical information other
than ultraviolet (UV) absorption data were
shown [6].
different rice eultivars, reddish brown lesions, comparable to those seen on infected rice, were produced by all of the ophiobolins (at 10-4 M) except ophiobolin J on IR~. The most biologically active ophiobolin in the assay was 6-epiophiobolin A (Table V) which is the same ophiobolin showing selectivity for corn bearing Tms cytoplasm [12]. The least toxic compounds were ophiobolins I and J. None of the ophiobolins showed activity at 10 "s M; however, 25 hydroxy I, ophiobolin B and ophiobolin J showed some host selectivity at 10 -6 and 10-' M, respectively (Table V). Perhaps this relates to the observations of Vidhyasekaran et al. [6] who suggested that D. oryzae produces compounds possessing host selectivity, however, it is difficult to compare our results with theirs since no definitive chemical information other than ultraviolet (UV) absorption data were shown [6].
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