This problem is also
called the coalition formation. Gerkey and Mataric [5]
indicate that despite the existence of various multiagent
coalition algorithms. These algorithms have not
been demonstrated in the multi-robot domain. Vig and
Julie show that, with certain modifications, coalition
formation algorithms provided in the multi-agent
domain can be applied to the multi-robot domain [6].
Chen and Li have been proposed a power-efficient path
planning protocol named collaborative path planning
algorithm (CPPA) for a multi-robot system without
global positioning system (GPS) [7].
The paper is organized as follows: Section II
describes the system structure of the multiple robot
based Chinese chess game system. Section III presents
the function of the mobile robot. Section IV explains
the evaluation method of the Chinese chess game using
multiple mobile robots, and the experimental results
are implemented in section V. Section VI presents
brief concluding comments.