Long Tianming looks at Situ Beiyan, he does not know that Situ Beiyan is any meaning, properly speaking some people rise, Situ Beiyan should be also vigilant is, now is actually one sits looks at the good play the appearance, does not know that Situ Beiyan has anything to plan.
How however no matter Situ Beiyan thinks that Long Tianming will not make Demon Alliance rise, Long Yuyin had just formed Profound Sound Alliance, it is estimated that is Nie Li instigates, although does not understand that Nie Li is any intention. However can feel that Nie Li attempts is not small, has threatened him! At least Long Tianming will not make Long Yuyin threaten the position of his Dragon Seal Family Patriarch!
Before although Nie Li has delivered him three characters, but that three characters he has not seen comes mysteriously, thought by Nie Li at heart deceiving. Is not actually able to research. Therefore Long Tianming to the Nie Li not anything favorable impression.
Now can have the qualifications to compete of Divine Feather Sect Sect Master person, at present only then three, Situ Beiyan, Long Tianming and Li Yufeng, but braves several bothering now, is very noteworthy. Especially Gu Bei just obtained the Gu Clan first in order successor position, Long Yuyin has also braved. Li Hangyun not too willingly appearance, but these three people, are concerned with Nie Li!
Since Situ Beiyan comes to observe Nie Li, that showed that Situ Beiyan like just did not display that indifferently, at least paid attention to rising Nie Li!
Probably after more than half double-hour. Fight between Nie Li and Murong Yu had eventually ended, the flame and electric light have subsided.
Compared with the musicians who play percussion instruments, Nie Li has changed clothes, is neat, but Murong Yu, then lies in not far away, looks like a dead dog is the same, body inch wisp. Is scarred, obviously had fainted.
Sees this, person gaze all delay that surroundings these surround.
„I go. What's the matter?”
„Did Murong Yu lose?”
„ Murong Yu fused Saint Blood Dragonhawk, was hit why also such miserably?”
They look to Nie Li gaze, is having an awe, Murong Yu, but entire East Court places first 200 Expert, was the previous first talent, hit by Nie Li finally unexpectedly such miserably? That said. Nie Li just stepped into East Court, has placed first 200?
Sees lies there Murong Yu stark naked. The young girls cheeks of East Court blushed, hurry to take back gaze.
The Xiao Yu cheeks slightly feel hot. Royal Court Nie Li looked at one, Nie Li this absolutely is intentionally!
Always desolate Long Yuyin is also the cheeks is crimson.