Ethan Landry will turn 13-years-old in August. He's a big fan of the show "Supernatural," so his parents reached out to see if anyone might have an Impala, matching what the brothers drive while they hunt paranormal creatures.
The message has been shared, and a few people have offered their cars for the day, one is actually signed by the cast. Others have said they want to simply take part in the day.
The reach has extended so far, the wife of the actor who plays one of the brothers saw what was being organized; she says her husband, Jensen Ackles will Facetime Ethan on his birthday.
"My faith in humanity has been totally restored," Ethan's mother Shannon said. "It's been touching and quite amazing and overwhelming and people just still wanna help, people want to volunteer to be part of the hunt."
Shannon says they try to go big for his birthday, because when he was born, he wasn't expected to survive. He suffered three strokes that left him partially blind and damaged part of his brain. Ethan also suffers from cerebral palsy and epilepsy.
"I don't think Ethan knows quite how amazing he is. He has to get up everyday and kind of try twice as hard as the rest of us, just to keep it together," said Shannon.
Many others have offered to send birthday cards - so Shannon has set up a PO Box to accept them.
You can send any cards to Ethan Landry at PO Box 495 in Brunswick, area code 04011.
Keep in mind, this August party is a SURPRISE for Ethan.
Ethan Landry will turn 13-years-old in August. He's a big fan of the show "Supernatural," so his parents reached out to see if anyone might have an Impala, matching what the brothers drive while they hunt paranormal creatures.The message has been shared, and a few people have offered their cars for the day, one is actually signed by the cast. Others have said they want to simply take part in the day.The reach has extended so far, the wife of the actor who plays one of the brothers saw what was being organized; she says her husband, Jensen Ackles will Facetime Ethan on his birthday."My faith in humanity has been totally restored," Ethan's mother Shannon said. "It's been touching and quite amazing and overwhelming and people just still wanna help, people want to volunteer to be part of the hunt."Shannon says they try to go big for his birthday, because when he was born, he wasn't expected to survive. He suffered three strokes that left him partially blind and damaged part of his brain. Ethan also suffers from cerebral palsy and epilepsy."I don't think Ethan knows quite how amazing he is. He has to get up everyday and kind of try twice as hard as the rest of us, just to keep it together," said Shannon.Many others have offered to send birthday cards - so Shannon has set up a PO Box to accept them.You can send any cards to Ethan Landry at PO Box 495 in Brunswick, area code 04011.Keep in mind, this August party is a SURPRISE for Ethan.
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