The results of the factor analysis are presented in Table 3. The satisfaction
dimensions are labeled as tourist facilities and service (Factor 1),
destination attractiveness (Factor 2), professionalism of the tour guide
(Factor 3), schedule/itinerary (Factor 4), and dynamics of tour group (Factor
5). Satisfaction attributes concerning transportation and food did not
load well in any of the dimensions and were therefore removed totally in
the rotation process. Factor 1 ( = 0.736) in general encompassed twocategories of satisfaction attributes, namely lodging and shopping. Factor
2 ( = 0.752) captured four attributes associated with attractiveness
and value of the destination. Factor 3 ( = 0.633) consisted of aspects
concerning competency of the tour guide, including his or her skill, knowledge
and ability. Factor 4 ( = 0.660) took in two satisfaction attributes
associated with the arrangement of the trip itinerary. Factor 5 ( = 0.546)
also covered two satisfaction attributes: dynamics and rapport of fellow
travelers in the tour group.