This exam is an open books and notes, but calculator and communication are not permitted.
This exam accounts for 60% of the overall course assessment. The number in parentheses at the
beginning of each question indicates the number of points given to the question. You should read all
of the questions before starting the exam, as some of the questions are substantially more time
You may NOT use any Internet resource, written notes, or any form of communication with others.
Communication devices are NOT permitted during this examination.
Any form of dishonesty including talking, consulting, copying, exchanging flash drives, moving to
another's workstation after they leave, bringing in unauthorized study materials or electronic devices
of any form will lead to disqualification from the examination.
Make your answers as concise as possible. If you are not sure about what a question is asking, state
your assumptions and answer the question accordingly.
There will be NO RESTROOM BREAK; if you must use the restroom, make sure you are finished
and submit your exam to the proctor before leaving the classroom.