Germination of rice samples
Two forms of rice were prepared; (1) Rough
rice (grains with husk intact) and (2) dehulled rice
(grains with husk removed). Germination process
was conducted according to previously described
by Jiamyangyuen and Ooraikul (2008). Briefly,
rice grains (100 g) were steeped in water at room
temperature for 12 hrs and 6 hrs for rough rice and
dehulled rice, respectively. Water was drained off and
grains were washed again with water. Grains were
then left to germinate in the dark at room temperature
for 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 hrs. After germination, the
rice grains were dried at 50°C to maintain moisture
Germination of rice samplesTwo forms of rice were prepared; (1) Roughrice (grains with husk intact) and (2) dehulled rice(grains with husk removed). Germination processwas conducted according to previously describedby Jiamyangyuen and Ooraikul (2008). Briefly,rice grains (100 g) were steeped in water at roomtemperature for 12 hrs and 6 hrs for rough rice anddehulled rice, respectively. Water was drained off andgrains were washed again with water. Grains werethen left to germinate in the dark at room temperaturefor 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 hrs. After germination, therice grains were dried at 50°C to maintain moisturecontent <13%. The dried grains were pulverized in adomestic grinder at 30ºC to obtain ground rice flourfor further analysis.
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