Located at the southern most part of Koh Larn, Naul beach is another nice beach on the island. It has gone through a few changes in recent years. A few years back there was a resort call Koh Larn Resort, a nice charming place as I remember. It was cleared out and demolished a couple years ago to make room for a new larger resort. Local protest however put a stop to its development and for now at least it is on hold.
There are now no permanant structures on Nual Beach everything here is portable but there are still restrooms, showers and many food stalls and restuarants. I like the style of the beach hut type restuarants and facilities that this has created it gives it a charm all its own. As with all the other beaches here on Koh Larn, this beach also sports white sands and clear blue waters and is great for swiming and snorkeling.