• The system should be interfaced with other legacy existing SCB surround systems (EDW, ALS, RBSIS, PDS, ALM, AS/400 SCBL)
• The system shall have History Log facility to detect and to record every revision, alteration or update, made by any authorized users on the system
• The system shall prepare/export data and information to support User and Management to generate specified reports or any ad-hoc reports
• All screens, reports and outcomes shall be support Thai Language, and should be user friendly and avoidance of possible redundancy in work / activities
• Majority of the functionality should be parameterized andparameterizable, so that it can be easily changedparameterized by the SCB IT(Admin) team and User Admin Team
• The System should allow SCB IT(Admin) Team to update and modify the User’s names and positions and other Standard Information
• The new system should be easily accessible either through Internet or Intranet between parties and provide electronic tools for storing, retrieving documents and forms