Media preparation: Six different agronomic wastes (grapes, orange, apple, vegetable, tapioca and
coconut husk residues) were procured from the muncipal waste disposal area and the material from one
single batch was used in all the studies in order to minimise any possible interference due to variation in
composition of residues. The samples were dried in an oven at 600 C for two days, grounded and
screened to collect the particles of the size between 1.2 and 1.6 mm. Five gram grounded waste was
taken in 250 ml conical flask and moistened with distilled water to desired moisture level (varying from
50 to 80%). The flasks containing medium were sterilized at 1210 C for 1 h to provide proper cooking to
the substrate and to increase its amenability for microbe. After sterilisation, flasks containing media were
allowed to cool to room temperature.