GENERALOMPANY INFORMATION Compony Legol Nome Common Name as Company Street Address Additional Address Line City/State/Postal Code Country Web address Telephone no Fax no Please check if remit tolpayment oddress is some as above, if not type below Remit to Address Fax no Preferred method of PO delivery lpleose Emoil oddress Please type fax no (Please type the email address) select only onel BUSINESS INFRASTRUCTURE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COMPANY Government JV Privately held Type of Company you are a customer or a supplier to any of the GE businesses provide the contact nomelsl Does ony of your officers, Directors or Senior Supervisory Personnel hove o relative that works for GE or holds a Government post at Minister or sub-Minister level, or in o sition of influence over the potential procurement of goods or services from Generol Eiectric please provide details on a separate sheet if your compony is a subsidiary, please indicate the name of the Parent Company Please describe the type of commodity offered by your company BothD Merchandise 0 Service Please classify your offering administrotive action with a Government Authority or ony ofits mployees act on GE s behalf in licenses, visas perform lobbying or other government relotios iervie official li e clearing goods through customs process business per of taxes, tax claims and tax audits etc. Yes Will ate with government agencies regarding the payment process or st any GE proprietory doto? your company process or store any GE employee dota OR host. NFORMAT Contact Nome
GENERALOMPANY INFORMATION Compony Legol Nome Common Name as Company Street Address Additional Address Line City/State/Postal Code Country Web address Telephone no Fax no Please check if remit tolpayment oddress is some as above, if not type below Remit to Address Fax no Preferred method of PO delivery lpleose Emoil oddress Please type fax no (Please type the email address) select only onel BUSINESS INFRASTRUCTURE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COMPANY Government JV Privately held Type of Company you are a customer or a supplier to any of the GE businesses provide the contact nomelsl Does ony of your officers, Directors or Senior Supervisory Personnel hove o relative that works for GE or holds a Government post at Minister or sub-Minister level, or in o sition of influence over the potential procurement of goods or services from Generol Eiectric please provide details on a separate sheet if your compony is a subsidiary, please indicate the name of the Parent Company Please describe the type of commodity offered by your company BothD Merchandise 0 Service Please classify your offering administrotive action with a Government Authority or ony ofits mployees act on GE s behalf in licenses, visas perform lobbying or other government relotios iervie official li e clearing goods through customs process business per of taxes, tax claims and tax audits etc. Yes Will ate with government agencies regarding the payment process or st any GE proprietory doto? your company process or store any GE employee dota OR host. NFORMAT Contact Nome
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