[This show is supported by the Korean Communications Commission of the MSIP.]{i}
[Bong Soon: A Cyborg in Love] {i}
So you want to break up?
I told you before.
Even if you are mad, you should talk respectfully to me.
It must be nice being older.
Tell me.
How have I changed?
You don't know?
You don't walk me home anymore.
You don't take shots for me at company dinners.
And we don't send each other emoticons when we text.
You're going to rid me from your life over such petty reasons?
Are you crazy?
Do you know how much we've drank and eaten together these past two years?
You're ending things just like that?
You think dating is a joke?
I wasn't dating you,NI was just having fun.
Go look in the mirror, and see how pitiful you look right now.
You take a look too
at how thick-skinned you look playing with my emotions.
It's another error.
What's wrong with you, Ms. Oh Bong Soon?
How can your hormone levels not change when you're simulating such a scene?