I know that you will be surprised when you find out that I wrote this love letter to you. It's the first time that I have written one, so please forgive me if I am not clearly expressing myself. We have known each other from the net for more than half a year now, and we have been in love for two months and nine days--but who's counting? I am so glad that you remembered the first day that I told you, "I love you." It's so sweet. I love you, Darling.
You have been the one who filled my days and nights when we were having our holiday, and sometimes when you were not available to chat with me, I couldn't sleep that night. You're so important to me. I know these days I am really busy touring, and when I don't have any time to chat with you, please forgive me. It's so hard not to be able to write something to you every day. I want you to know that I always care about you, and you're always in my heart. I want the whole world to know that I love you and that I really care about you. It's open to everyone to see my love for you.
I know that it's very hard for both of us to maintain this long distance relationship, but I believe that we can do it. I will wait for that day to come when we are no longer apart. I know it's a bit long for us to wait, but it's worth waiting for, right?
I don't know if this can be counted as a love letter or not. I don't know how to use words to express feelings to you that are so hard to express in words, but remember that when you close your eyes, you can feel my love for you, and I will always be there in your heart. I love you, Luigi, and I will always love you. You are my only love, so there's only you in my life. Remember our song? It's always going to be our theme song--"Endless Love.