Instrumental Color
The surface color values of CIE L* (lightness), a* (redness)
and b* (yellowness) of the chicken breast samples were
measured using a color difference meter (CR-400, Konica
Minolta Sensing, Inc., Tokyo, Japan) and an Illuminant C
on each day of storage. A white plate (Y = 93.6, x = 0.3134
and y = 0.3194) was used for calibration prior to measurements.
Three measurements of each sample were performed
on the surface immediately after the samples were removed
from the chamber.
Instrumental ColorThe surface color values of CIE L* (lightness), a* (redness)and b* (yellowness) of the chicken breast samples weremeasured using a color difference meter (CR-400, KonicaMinolta Sensing, Inc., Tokyo, Japan) and an Illuminant Con each day of storage. A white plate (Y = 93.6, x = 0.3134and y = 0.3194) was used for calibration prior to measurements.Three measurements of each sample were performedon the surface immediately after the samples were removedfrom the chamber.
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