or by injection. Flake foods which contain Terramycin or administered to the fish by immersion, although injectable
Romet are commercially available through pet retail and oral products are also available. Efficacy of oral
outlets for use in aquarium fish. Because there is no FDA- vaccines has not been as good as injectable or immersion
approved antibiotic available for use in pet fish, veterinary products.Vaccines made from sonicated, heat-killed
supervision of antibiotic therapy is recommended. If fish bacteria are also available and effective.
do not respond to antibiotic therapy within 48 hours a
sample of sick fish and water should be sent to a fish
disease diagnostic laboratory to confirm the original
diagnosis and determine whether additional problems,
such as parasitism, may also be present.
Commercial vaccines are available to prevent history and examination of the fish, a definitive diagnosis
vibriosis in salmonids. In the United States, animal can only be made following bacterial isolation and
vaccines are regulated by the United States Department of identification. Antibiotic therapy should be based on
Agriculture (USDA). In species other than salmonids, results of in vitro sensitivity tests. Two antibiotics,
veterinary supervision will be required for vaccine access Terramycin (an oxytetracycline compound) and Romet (a
and use. Vaccinated fish appear to grow and survive better potentiated sulfonamide) have been approved by the Food
than their unvaccinated counterparts, however the exact and Drug Administration for use in catfish and salmonids.
nature of the immunity provided is not clear. Most Vaccination, which can be administered by injection,
commercial products are bivalent vaccines; this means that immersion, or orally, is used by the salmon industry to
they provide protection to two different organisms, in this minimize the impact of vibriosis.