We heard the sound again. It was coming nearer all the time The man by the rock heard the sound as well. He picked up the lantern and jumped on the rock. He looked one way, then the other. Suddenly he jumped off the rock and started to run.
He ran towards High Tor. He was running away from us. But he was not running away because he saw us He was running away from something else which we could not see. Quick, Dr Watson. Follow him, shouted Sir Henry. Get your revolver ready.
We ran along the narrow path. Near us, we heard the deep howling sound. It was very near and very loud. Then we heard a scream. We stopped. Be careful, Dr. Watson. said Sir Henry. Let us go forward slowly.
The night was silent. We walked forward slowly. There was something, or someone, lying near the bottom of the Tor . We went over to it. I held my revolver in front of me. We found the body of a man at the foot of the Tor.
The man had fallen from the rocky hill. He was dead. His neck was broken.
We were sure that the man was Selden. He was dressed in Sir Henry’s old clothes –the clothes that Sir Henry had given to Barrymore.
I have one last strange thing to tell you. Holmes. I looked up at the Tor from which Selden had fallen .Up above ,at the top of the Tor ,stood a tall , thin man. I saw thin only for a moment .Then he disappeared into the night. But I know I have seen him before. I will search for this strange man who walks on the moor night.