The NICE guideline recommends the measurement of transcutaneous bilirubin TcB) as a less invasive procedure than blood sampling, and the recommended site for this is the sternum. This site will reduce distress for the baby and the potential for eye injury, or for forehead wrinkling to affect the readings. A bilirubinometer is required to measure the level of bilirubin. This is recommended in near over 24 hours old, term and term babies but serum bilirubin should be taken if under 24 hours old where visible jaundice is and for babies at less than 35 present weeks. Any baby under 24 hours old with visible jaundice requires an urgent assessment of their risk of significant hyper bilirubinaemia, preferably within two hours. To take a TcB measurement first and then a serum bilirubin involves unnecessary delay. To summarise