Principal components analysis, done on samples
from both upper and lower layers of soil after 192 h of
incubation time, showed 30% of the variance between
sites accounted for on the first axis, and an additional
9.4% accounted for on the second axis (Figure 2A). All
but one of the samples to the right of axis 2 were from
disturbed sites, although samples from two disturbed
sites fell to the left of axis 2. Comparing microbial
activity from only the upper layer of soil, the first axis
accounted for 43.5% of the variance between sites, and
Principal components analysis, done on samples
from both upper and lower layers of soil after 192 h of
incubation time, showed 30% of the variance between
sites accounted for on the first axis, and an additional
9.4% accounted for on the second axis (Figure 2A). All
but one of the samples to the right of axis 2 were from
disturbed sites, although samples from two disturbed
sites fell to the left of axis 2. Comparing microbial
activity from only the upper layer of soil, the first axis
accounted for 43.5% of the variance between sites, and
the second axis accounted for an additional 14.2%
(Figure 2B). Samples from disturbed sites clustered to
the right of axis 2, and samples from undisturbed sites
clustered to the left of axis 2. In PCA on samples from
the lower layer of each soil core, the first axis accounted
for 26% of the variance, and the second axis accounted
Principal components analysis, done on samples
from both upper and lower layers of soil after 192 h of
incubation time, showed 30% of the variance between
sites accounted for on the first axis, and an additional
9.4% accounted for on the second axis (Figure 2A). All
but one of the samples to the right of axis 2 were from
disturbed sites, although samples from two disturbed
sites fell to the left of axis 2. Comparing microbial
activity from only the upper layer of soil, the first axis
accounted for 43.5% of the variance between sites, and
Principal components analysis, done on samples
from both upper and lower layers of soil after 192 h of
incubation time, showed 30% of the variance between
sites accounted for on the first axis, and an additional
9.4% accounted for on the second axis (Figure 2A). All
but one of the samples to the right of axis 2 were from
disturbed sites, although samples from two disturbed
sites fell to the left of axis 2. Comparing microbial
activity from only the upper layer of soil, the first axis
accounted for 43.5% of the variance between sites, and
the second axis accounted for an additional 14.2%
(Figure 2B). Samples from disturbed sites clustered to
the right of axis 2, and samples from undisturbed sites
clustered to the left of axis 2. In PCA on samples from
the lower layer of each soil core, the first axis accounted
for 26% of the variance, and the second axis accounted
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