FIG. 2. Characterization of purified RV 3' (+)-SL RNA binding
protein from Vero 76 cytoplasmic extracts. (A) Protein after separation
on rHPLC was subjected to SDS/PAGE on a 12.5% gel.
Protein stained with silver nitrate (lane 1) and protein covalently
UV-crosslinked with 32P-labeled RV 3' (+)-SL RNA (lane 2) are
shown. (B) RNA gel retardation assay of the SL RV RNA probe with
the protein fraction from rHPLC or high performance electrophoresis
chromatography (HPEC) in the presence of related and unrelated
RNAs as indicated. (C) SDS/PAGE (12.5% gel) profile of
protein obtained after HPEC fractionation and silver nitrate staining.