Comparing the adjectives with the word image scale on page 11, there are many WS-related words are only a few "darker"Words. Many appear to be based on associations with mother or family.
As a child matures, "deeper" Words approaching adult sentiments begin to appear. The budding youth becomes conscious of fashion and exhibits self- assertion. His range of nuance expands and he recognizes the worth of clear colors and even gray colors.
By junior nigh school, his range of knowledge starts to encompass not only concrete objects but also abstractions. Through communication with others and the influence of his environment, individual taste value judgment and identity begin to blossom, leading to a deeper awareness of desing and color.
A child's daily life revolves around inanimate objects, such as book, Magazines, television and computers. In a world that is increasingly mechanical, child's environment can become quite dull. Take a look at your surroundings in terms of color combina