(a) Section 2 proposes changes to aspects of the definitions of an asset and a liability.
Further guidance would help to explain the terms that are used within those
proposed definitions.
(b) some aspects of the existing definition of a liability are unclear: there is little
guidance in the Conceptual Framework and the principles underlying different
Standards can appear inconsistent. As a result, the IASB, the IFRS Interpretations
Committee and others have had difficulty reaching conclusions on whether and
when some transactions give rise to liabilities. Additional guidance could establish
principles on which to develop future requirements.
(c) other aspects of the existing definitions for an asset and a liability have become
clearer in recent years as the IASB has developed requirements and guidance within
individual Standards. For example, several Standards now give guidance on
identifying the substance of contractual rights and obligations. The IASB thinks
that it would be helpful to update the Conceptual Framework to include the general
principles underlying that guidance