composition obtained by XRF and XPS allows having an idea
about the amount of element presented on the surface, and
the element amount in the bulk, and therefore a dispersion
estimation (Table 2). It is important to note that is really
difficult to obtain an accurate measure of the dispersion of
NieCo bimetallic catalysts and catalysts with SMSI effects
because of the adsorption in the case of Co particles is activated
with the temperature, opposite to Ni particles, being
different the optimum probe molecule used for both metal
particles dispersion determination [39,40]. It is observed that
lanthanum is presented on catalyst surface while a 60% of
cobalt and 42.80% of Ni are presented on the surface. Taking
into account the species detected in XRD characterisation and
chemical analysis results obtained by XRF and XPS it is
possible to determine that after calcination at 800 C a part of
Ni and Co has interacted with support.
The curve fitting of Ni 2p ½ and Ni 2p 3/2 (figures doesn't
presented) corroborates the presence of Ni(OH)2. The deconvolution
of the curve of Co 2p ½ and Co 2p 3/2 allows identifying
the presence CoO, Co(OH)2 and Co2O3 species.