Hello Honey,
How are you, thanks for your e-mail so far and for your concern, we arrived South Africa safely. We departed the U.S. 12:45 AM on Sunday night and arrived at about yesterday afternoon Monday 11/03/14. It was a 12 hours flight. We had a Safe trip but the screening at the Airport delayed us for few Minutes. We then checked into a hotel room after leaving the airport. I tried to send you an email about our arrival but the internet connection here was so bad. It was restored an hour ago.
They have very poor internet facilities here, because of this I have bought a new telephone line, so that I can reach you always. The phone number is +27780364000, you can call me anytime.
The Furniture Exhibition MARKET officially kicked off yesterday afternoon and I went there straight after checking into hotel room and I was able to make some purchases yesterday and today, I will purchase more, so that I can ship them to South Valley on time before embarking on my Journey to your country.
Later today, I will book my flight ticket to Thailand online and I will send the details to you because I want to spend sometime with you before I go back to my base. Meanwhile send me your telephone number here so I can add it to my new phone.
I love you and thanks for your concern.
Much Love, Hugs and kisses for you