2.6.3 Major Differing Provisions Between W47.1 and W47.2
1) The application of the Standard is restricted to:
i) commercial fabrication of aluminum structures and their repair - specialized product
fabrication is totally excluded (pressure vessels)
ii) thickness 3 mm or greater
2) The welding processes are limited to include only:
- gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
- gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
- plasma arc welding (PAW)
- arc and capacitor discharge process for stud welding (SW)
3) Essential variables related to each of the welding processes are listed and base metal alloy
groupings as another variable clearly tabulated.
4) Welding Procedure Qualifications include plate and pipe test assemblies for groove welds and
plate assemblies for fillet welds. In case of pipe assemblies a “6G” – (inclined 45° to the
horizontal) non-rotating pipe has been introduced. A fracture test has been added to normal
W47.1 procedural tests.
5) The concept of performance levels has been introduced for welder qualification:
Level I designating fillet welding only
Level II designating welding of groove joints either from both sides or from one side with
Level III designating welding of groove joints from one side without backing for the full
thickness of material
6) In addition to the performance levels the qualification of welders and welding operators is
governed by:
- the welding process
- mode of process application (semi-automatic, automatic)
- type of weld and position
- the filler metal alloy group in the case of the GMAW process
7) Pipe and plate test assemblies are provided for with a “fracture test”.
8) While in W47.1 qualification for F, H, V, OH was designated as for example “class F”
qualification, the W47.2 Standard uses the term “category F”.