The Hydrofoil Design sub-team developed the
Cedarville University boat team’s capabilities of using
CFD as a design tool via a two-fold method. First, by
learning this tool and using it to create designs used by
the rest of the team for that year, and secondly, by
providing helpful documentation regarding the use of the
CFD programs for future Cedarville team analysts to use
as a guide. The team focused on simple models such as
single phase 2D airfoils and 3D hydrofoils using the
most basic flow models (i.e., laminar model, inviscid
model, and Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model). The
work also included some meshing and modeling of 2D
and 3D winglets on a 3D hydrofoil. This work was
meant to expand the knowledge of tools available for
design and analysis.