When I was about nine, I moved into a new house with my parents.
On the first night I couldn't sleep, which could have just been because of the new house and new surroundings, so I got up and went to the kitchen to get a drink.
I felt like something was behind me or following me, so I ignored it and got back into bed.
I turned off the light and tried to sleep, but I noticed what looked like an old woman of 60-70 years of age looking down at me from the bottom of my bed.
When I turned by bedside lamp on, there was nothing there. I never saw her for about six months and then I saw her again.
I never said anything to my parents, as I did have an active imagination.
Many years later, when I flew the nest, I asked my parents who lived in the house before us. It turns out an elderly couple did, and the husband put the house up for sale after his wife had passed away in her sleep - in the room I had chosen in the house.
Maybe she wasn't happy that I was there, or maybe she just wanted to watch over me and meant no harm, but I never saw her again after my second encounter.