Bullet time is a special effect that slows down ordinary events while the camera angle changes as if it were flying around the action at normal speed.
The technique involves plotting the trajectory of the camera in advance and then placing many high speed cameras along this route.
All these cameras then film the action as it occurs.
This footage is later edited together to look as if the camera position has moved.
And because the cameras are all high speed, the footage can be slowed down.
The results are impressive, as anyone who has seen the Matrix movies or played the video games can attest.
Kageyama and Yamada say the same technique could revolutionise the way humans access exascale computer simulations.
Their idea is to surround the simulated action with thousands, or even millions, of virtual cameras that all record the action as it occurs.
Humans can later “fly” through the action by switching from one camera angle to the next, just like bullet time.