Empowerment Reflective Exercise
Think of an interaction/relationship in your life where you felt particularly able to grow as a person and where you felt highly respected (even if possibly at times there wasn’t a smooth or easy interaction between yourself and the other person).
1. What was it about that interaction/experience or person that you think allowed that growth to happen?
2. Do you relate with the refugees/with your colleagues/co-workers in the same way?
3. What is similar and what is different in the way you relate with the refugees/your colleagues?
Examining potential boundary issues
Think of a case where you might have become “over-invested” in a client…
1. Is this in my client’s best interest?
2. Whose needs are being served?
3. How would I feel telling a colleague about this?
4. How would this be viewed by the client’s family or significant other?
5. Does the client mean something ‘special’ to me?
6. Am I taking advantage of the client?
7. Does this action benefit me rather than the client?