utilized to capture solid fish waste from the end of the raceways. Although the original system was successful in research settings, it had several disadvantages including uneven water flow throughout the raceways and low efficiency of solid waste removal. After continued research for several years,the problem with uneven water flow was corrected by building the airlifts identical to each other, attaching each airlift to the same air-manifold, and installing a restriction orificeattheattachmentoftheair-manifoldtotheair-line(Masser and Lazur, 1997). Moreover, survival was initially low because of disease outbreaks, but improved as research progressed. Consequently,severalmorealterationshavebeenmadeinsystemdesign andoperationalprocedurestoincreasetheuniformityandvolume of water flow and maximize the opportunity for biomass loading. However, the use of in-pond raceways has not been adopted by producers.