We have 2 questions on the tel expenses record ,1) attachment 1 is the summary captured by BD - total column based on the same information we received from FA thru IT dept ( extract from attachment 2) and column on CAT and TRUE are based on the bill we received from telecom suppliers. I want to clarify the way FA calculate the total amount of spending of each month, in my opinion, it should only be the sum of 2 telecom supplier bill from CAT and TRUE as these has already include in the IT record . However Khun Bow from FA instruct my admin person that we should in fact sum up all 3 item ( record to FA from ITD, CAT and TRUE bill) which is kind of doublecounting the expenses and result in heavy overspending each month. 2 ) its normal that we only receive the bill 1-2 month after the actual usage , should we be more accurate to back track the record e.g. if FA receive the bill on July expenses, FA charge back to July expenses record ?
I ask for your kind support to look into this and advice us so we can track the expenses more accurately ,as now it seems the fluctuation each month is huge and hard to budget