Kamei Daiki-kun (9)
Daiki-kun kidnapped?
Struck dead.
That time...
...what did he say?
Atsushi, let's go buy some cake later.
Really? Good boy, Atsushi.
What was it he said?
Young master!
I'm no good at cooking fried eggs!
Okay! I get it!
Just turn the burner off until I come out!
Yay! I knew you could do it, young master.
Didn't we have fried eggs yesterday too?
They're really tasty.
What is it, young master?
For some reason,
feel like my saving grace up until now has been how clueless you are about my situation.
Oh, a new item?
The Anja , a cake, I think.
A bittersweet rhubarb tart, blended with a raspberry mousse...
Teach, I knew it, I love this stuff.
The mousse and the rhubarb match perfect.
Your kind of cake, right, Kanda-kun?
Oh, by the way, Eiji.
I've decided to to start selling the chiboust you thought of.
Looks like pops is already bowing before my real power.
What? Shouldn't you normally be thanking me!?
Kanda-kun's just being shy.
Opening time! Open the store!
Good morning. What do you recommend today?
How about our new Anja?
A marriage between a rhubarb tart,
with sweet compote that melts in your mouth,
and bittersweet raspberry mousse.
I'd like that one.
Three pieces, as always?
Yes, of course, welcome.
Whatever can we do for you?
Sorry. I'm Ono Nagako.
I thought I'd pay a visit since you've been so kind to my big brother.
What? Nagako?
I said I didn't mind, but could you wait until break?
It seems like she'll wait here until then.
But I didn't think you'd have such a cute little sister.
Come on, introduce me to her.
Introductions or whatever...
Due to this and that, I haven't seen her for nearly ten years.
Since I came out, I haven't gone home even once.
Other things happened between my mother and I too.
It happened when I was in eighth grade.
{ "second year of middle school" also works,
but... awkward and longer to realize }
My mother and my homeroom teacher, in my parents' bedroom.
He was my first crush, too.
Eiji, do you think anything will happen if Ono leaves now?
Nah, no problem!
Go ahead. Your little sister is waiting.
It's been nine... no, ten years, hasn't it.
But you haven't changed at all, big brother.
I'm astonished.
Nagako, you've really grown up. I'm surprised.
{orig/lit: gotten so big}
Of course I have!
You haven't seen me since middle school.
I'm already 24 now.
You're just like mother when she was younger.
Just in the face.
You work for a children's book publisher, right?
{ This sounds awkward, but it is right. }
A normal office worker, marrying a coworker soon, as normal.
I want to have the whole family come to the wedding, if possible.
I guess you still don't want to meet them again?
Mom and the others.
Well, I wouldn't let not wanting to meet with them get in the way...
But if someone like me went, Nagako, wouldn't it just cause you trouble?