At the end light finally poured through the window, and you heard voices and footsteps outside. You panicked and looked at Jeff, "Jeff." To your surprise he was nowhere to be seen. Your eyes widened when you saw the boarded window open. "When did he..?" You wondered as you picked yourself up from the ground and walked towards the window, you sighed seeing the woods behind the house you were trapped in. You stepped on a paper and quickly scooped it in your pockets while rescue personnel barged in the room, rescuing you from there. You were briefly interrogated and then you met your worried parents and friends. The rest of the day was a blur, and night came quick. You excused yourself and went to your room to plop down on your bed. You took out the note that you kept safely with you and you carefully opened it and read its content:
Dear Y/n, I would like to know you more, what I think about you is something I cant express in words. I have fallen for you, hard. I would really like to meet you again. I'll wait for you.
You blushed seeing the note and kept it with you, "So you have fallen for me, huh?" you say it loud to yourself. "Is that wrong?" You heard the husky voice and its owner hugged you from behind resting his head on your shoulder. You blushed shaking your head, as shivers of pleasure travelled through your spine. He chuckled in your ear softly and gently kissed your neck. You gasped and sat down on your bed. Jeff chuckled and laid down on your bed, you sat for a while calming yourself down and then shoved Jeff lightly, only to your surprise you find him sleeping. You blush seeing his sleeping figure, he seemed pretty normal while sleeping (minus his facial features) and not a deranged psychotic killer. You sighed and laid down beside him, 'I have also fallen for you, infamous killer' you chuckle in your thought and drift of to sleep.