Among 14 land cover types, only closed broadleaved deciduous forest (land cover type #2) had a representation less than 10% (7%), while open broadleaved deciduous forest/woodland (land cover type #3), closed to open mixed broadleaved and needle-leaved forest (land cover type #5) and closed to open herbaceous vegetation (land cover type #9) were represented less than 15% (see list of all land cover types in Table 1). The remaining types received protection at more than 20% of their total area. Closed broadleaved forest or shrubland permanently flooded (land cover type #11) received the highest representation (44% of total area) followed by mosaic grassland with sparse forest or shrubland (land cover type #7) and mosaic forest or shrubland with sparse grassland (land cover type #6) (38% and 33%, respectively).